An original chant for 英語ノート Book 1, Grade 5 Lesson 4, I like apples. I like apples, too. I don't like apples.
Watch the video to learn how to lead/sing the chant, and how to write it on the blackboard for your classes. copyright 2012 Elton Ersch
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I always walk into a classroom with a pair of dice in my pocket. In this post I talk about many different ways they can be used in the classroom.
For this song, using the dice allows you to choose months randomly. In the case of January (1), any repeat is counted as a 1.
The song/game can be played in two ways- either the chosen students must stand up, or sit down. I usually ask them to stand or sit until the end of the activity.
After singing the song and throwing the dice to choose a month, students with a birthday in that month must either stand or sit. Continue singing the song and choosing students with the dice until you have all the students standing (sitting), or until time is up. copyright 2012 Elton Ersch
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An original chant for 英語ノート Book 1, Grade 5 Lesson 5, Do you have a red cap?
Watch the video to learn how to lead/sing the chant, and how to write it on the blackboard for your classes. copyright 2012 Elton Ersch
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An original chant for 英語ノート Book 2, Grade 6 Lesson 6, I want to go to Italy.
Watch the video to learn how to lead/sing the chant, and how to write it on the blackboard for your classes. copyright 2012 Elton Ersch
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An original chant for 英語ノート Book 1, Grade 5 Lesson 4, Do you like dogs?
Watch the video to learn how to lead/sing the chant, and how to write it on the blackboard for your classes. copyright 2012 Elton Ersch
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Lessons Without Preparation?!
Some teachers told me they wanted to learn activities that require no materials, no preparation, and are time-flexible. Don't we all! The results changed my life at school- and the students love the activities, too... Most of the lessons at require little or no materials or preparation (and if there are materials, they're here to download). Check out the Activities page to learn some activities that'll make your life at school a LOT easier!
Teaching Conversation
This card activity was chosen by peers for presentation at local and national teachers' conferences in Japan. Learn how to teach your students to SPEAK ENGLISH at!