Row Practice/ Row Races  


Students sit in 6 rows facing the front of the classroom. Write a conversation pattern (with a Conversation Skill to practice, if you can) in the blackboard, for example:

W) Do you like fish?
L) Yes. /No. (+Repeat the Same Question) Do you like fish?
W) Yes./ No.


W) I like fish.
L1) I like fish, too.
(Repeat the Sentence, Change One Word) I like green.
L2) I don't like fish. (Repeat the Sentence, Change One Word) I like green.
W1) I like green, too.
W2) I don't like green.

Ask the students to make an original question or sentence, changing the different colored or underlined part (I always use the same color -yellow- for this part).
To begin, seat pairs play Janken (Rock-Paper-Scissors, or R-P-S). Usually, the winner (W) begins the conversation according to the posted pattern, and the pair continue until they finish the conversation.
When the conversation is finished, the student on the rotation side (you decide before beginning) moves one seat forward or back. The new pair again plays Janken (R-P-S), and does the posted conversation, as before.
The activity continues until students return to their own seats and sit down.

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