Hebi Janken
Labels: activities 0 commentsAll-class 2-team activity for practicing any set of vocabulary (15-25 work well). Time: 15-20 minutes.
Materials: 3 sets of vocabulary cards (one each for each pair of six teams).
One row of students makes one team; paired rows compete. Place 2 rows of desks together, and lay 15-25 vocabulary cards (words in English or Japanese, pictures, numbers, etc..)
Beginning from opposite ends of the line of vocabulary, the first student from each team begins touching and saying the word for each card. When the 2 players meet they play Janken; Winner continues as before, Loser goes to the back of the line for his/her team and the next student starts from the first card. When players meet, they play Janken..... The first team to touch and say all of the words to the end of the line wins.
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