ASK, don't TELL
Labels: best practices, using the eigo noto 0 commentsMost teachers have one way or more that they check answers after an activity. In a recent post I wrote about Pair Checking and its’ advantages as a way for students to self-check their work.
ASK, don’t TELL is an easy way to remember not to tell students outright what the right answers are after an activity, but instead to ask students to volunteer what they think the right answers are.
The same ASK, don’t TELL approach applies well to cultural discussions in the Eigo Noto classes. When we were looking at 6 different greeting styles in Eigo Noto 1, Lesson 1, it worked very well to begin the discussion by asking the students, ‘Do you see anything similar or different about these ways of greeting?’ and then to follow up with, ‘And what ways are similar to, or different than, a Japanese greeting?’ Using leading and Wh- questions in this way does a lot to encourage students to explore learning, rather than sitting back and waiting to be told what to think.
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